Monday, January 31, 2005

Iraqi Elections

The Iraqi Elections were held today and thousands of Iraqis were killed by suicide freedom fighters. Approximately .044 thousand people were killed. Of course, what Fox News won't tell you is that many voters were disenfranchised at the polls, like Saddam Hussein and Jesse Jackson. Of course, the exit polls in Baghdad and Fallujah were showing a lead for John Kerry, but we all know how that turned out back in November. The world hasn't ended yet, but with a democratic Iraq in the works, I'm sure we aren't far off.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Got Rice, Bitch?

The Senate confirmed Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State today, with a vote of 85 to 13. Suprisingly, the world has not ended yet.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Armageddon Outlook #1

I just peeked out the window. The world is not ending. Stay tuned for updates as they come in.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Armageddon Clock

Today marks the first day of George Walker Bush's second term in the White House. Mr. Bush has now been in office one day longer than was expected by 48% of the nation, and they have 1,460 more to endure. It hasn't started just yet, but at this blog we shall be watching the End of the World, as it happens, live, over the internet.